Tag: Synapse

Mosquito (Synapse) Blu-ray Review

Visual effects artist Gary Jones (Army of Darkness, Moontrap) made his directorial debut with 1995’s Mosquito, an entertaining tongue-in-cheek homage to the giant monster and killer bug B-movies of yesteryear. Jones’ labor of love receives its long-awaited debut on Blu-ray courtesy of Synapse Films with a beautifully upgraded transfer and some terrific supplements that dig…

Manos: The Hands of Fate (Synapse) Blu-ray Review

   If you’ve read my reviews on EuroCultAV.com you might know I don’t really get into declaring extremes. Therefore you will rarely see at least myself declare a best of, worst of, or anything of that nature. Manos: The Hands of Fate was a film made by Harold P. Warren an El Paso fertilizer salesman in…

Asylum (I Want To Be a Gangster) (Synapse) DVD Review

Much like Henry Hill before him, all young Jack (Julien Courbey) ever wanted to be was a gangster, just like the ones he used to admire in the movies. But the work he’s getting as a low-level street thug while running a back room Russian roulette game with his partner (Abel Jafri) on the side…