Tag: Tomas Milian

Violent Streets: The Umberto Lenzi/Tomas Milian Collection Blu-ray Box Set Review [Severin]

Severin Films is no stranger to delivering the goods when it comes to quenching your eurosploitation thirst. And let me tell you that HOT DAWG does this one hit the spot! Severin has graced us with a hefty, sturdy box with a very nice design that is chock full of poliziotteschi goodness, all directed by…

Blu-ray Review – The Designated Victim – Mondo Macabro

The giallo was big business in Italy in the early 70’s. Yeah, it got its start in the 60’s, but it seems once Argento took flight with his Bird with the Crystal Plumage the genre really boomed. Hundreds of the films were made just in the 3-4 years after Bird…, and while not everyone took…