Tag: action

The Roundup: No Way Out [Capelight] Blu-ray Review

Taking place several years after the previous Roundup film, Don Lee returns once again as Detective Ma Seok-do, this time investigating a murder which leads to getting mixed up with the Japanese Yakuza and an illegal drug-trafficking operation. Detective Ma goes about it in his usual manner, not afraid to beat the ever loving shit…

McBain – Blu-ray Review (Synapse Films)

At the end of the Vietnam War, a bunch of soldiers risk their lives to free a group of POWs trapped behind enemy lines. They rescue Robert McBain (Christopher Walken) and his buds just in the nick of time. Santos (Chick Vennera), the leader of the rescuers, makes McBain promise to come to his aid…

Kill Zone – Blu-Ray Review (MVD Rewind Collection)

Jason (Fritz Matthews) and Mitchell (Ted Prior) are having one crazy summer. They and a bunch of other unlucky soldiers signed up for Colonel Crawford’s Vietnam POW Zany Escape Room Adventure. Crawford (David Campbell) and his goons have set up the most realistic POW experience that Southern California can provide. Of course, they take things…

Violent Streets: The Umberto Lenzi/Tomas Milian Collection Blu-ray Box Set Review [Severin]

Severin Films is no stranger to delivering the goods when it comes to quenching your eurosploitation thirst. And let me tell you that HOT DAWG does this one hit the spot! Severin has graced us with a hefty, sturdy box with a very nice design that is chock full of poliziotteschi goodness, all directed by…