Tag: Yakuza

The Roundup: No Way Out [Capelight] Blu-ray Review

Taking place several years after the previous Roundup film, Don Lee returns once again as Detective Ma Seok-do, this time investigating a murder which leads to getting mixed up with the Japanese Yakuza and an illegal drug-trafficking operation. Detective Ma goes about it in his usual manner, not afraid to beat the ever loving shit…

Yakuza Graveyard Blu-ray Review [Radiance]

Springing forth this summer from Radiance is the underseen gangster flick Yakuza Graveyard from acclaimed Japanese director Kinji Fukasaku beautifully restored on blu-ray for the first time. Tetsuya Watari plays a rage-filled cop named Kuroiwa who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty in pursuit of his goals. Kuroiwa, sickened by his department’s unofficial and…

Massacre Gun (Arrow) Blu-ray Review

Most Japanese gangster movies of the 60’s and 70’s are little more than cleverly-achieved exercises in style over substance, with plenty of lurid violence and salacious sexuality to pleasure their thrill-seeking audiences. Maybe they’re fun to watch, but after your first viewing you might not feel compelled to grant any of them an encore. Massacre…