Tag: Vinegar Syndrome

Blu-ray Review – Last Gasp – Vinegar Syndrome

While trying to build a luxurious resort in the jungles of Mexico, Leslie Chase (Robert Patrick) is forced to halt construction because a nearby indigenous tribe is sacrificing his workers. He calls in some local muscle to wipe the tribe out but one of them gets away and comes after him. After killing his attacker,…

Blu-ray Review – Death Promise – Vinegar Syndrome

Somehow I had never heard of Death Promise before it had landed on my doorstep. After having watched its Death Wish meets Kung Fu trash charms, I am not just sold, I am addicted. I have started the day finding friends to tell about the film. The film follows Charley Roman, a karate-fighter, whose Dad…

Jeremy (1973 film) Blu-ray review

Jeremy is a 1973 American romantic drama film starring screen legends Robby Benson and Glynnis O’Connor. The story is about young romance and heartbreak, something we all go through in life, unfortunately.   The story is about Jones Jeremy (Robbie Benson, City Limits), a 15-year-old high school student in New York who is a quiet,…

Blu-ray Review – Forgotten Gialli Vol. 3 (Vinegar Syndrome)

Vinegar Syndrome’s Forgotten Gialli box sets are some of the most exciting releases to hit the market in some time. I will admit to being an obvious mark for them running a site called EuroCultAV, but nonetheless, I anticipate each one highly, and Volume 3 was no different. The third box contained what I’ll say…

UHD Review – SexWorld – Vinegar Syndrome

Although 1978’s Sex World is a porno variation on the premise of Westworld, it’s not exactly a parody. The movie makes explicit what the earlier, PG-rated movie heavily implied – that, if a futuristic fantasy vacation like the one in the film existed, its main appeal would be for tourists to live out their wildest…

Blu-ray Review -Satan’s Blood – Vinegar Syndrome

Can I just start and end this review by saying this film had a skull full of sex butter, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED?I guess not. Alright, so Satan’s Blood follows married couple Anna and Andy. Anna is 4 months pregnant, and the pair are quite bored. They get into their car and drive around trying to find…

Blu-ray Review – Dark Tower – Vinegar Syndrome

I don’t think anyone looking at the cover of the Dark Tower will confuse this with the recent adaptation of the Stephen King book series. However, as a preface I’ll just say this has nothing to do with that. This Dark Tower film follows the goings on in an unfinished office building in Barcelona. The…

UHD Review – Deadly Games – Dial Code Santa Claus (Vinegar Syndrome)

I’ll just straight out admit that I did not anticipate what I got with Deadly Games – Dial Code Santa Claus (36.15 Code Pere Noel). I thought I had the killer Santa movie thing down at this point and had seen them all. I was wrong, very very wrong, and what I got here was…

Blu-ray Review – Rest in Pieces (Vinegar Syndrome)

I have been writing for about 2-3 years now about the resurgence of Jose Larraz on home video. I thought it was great when we got Symptoms on Blu-ray at long last, but then we got a bunch of films from Arrow, and now Rest in Pieces from Vinegar Syndrome. It’s crazy to think that…

Blu-ray Review – Cemetery of Terror – Vinegar Syndrome

If you look up into the EuroCultAV banner, you’ll see Hugo Stiglitz. That’s not just any Hugo Stiglitz, that is Hugo Stiglitz from this film Cemetery of Terror, so needless to say when this month’s Vinegar Syndrome pile came in the mail, this film went straight to the top. The films of Rubén Galindo Jr.,…