7 Seeds is being qualified in the U.S. As a Netflix Original in the U.S. Despite having been created in Japan and released overseas first. Oh well, it’s a label, and I’m not watching it on Netflix, but the new Blu-ray from the always reliable Sentai Filmworks. I never got around to watching Lost when it aired, I was in college, and working multiple jobs episodic TV wasn’t a priority, but from what I heard about the show it basically opened in a similar fashion to this.

7 Seeds opens with Natsu and some others waking up on a mysterious island with no recall of how they got their. As it turns out a disaster took out the Earth and these people were made to basically be the remnants of humanity. Unfortunately, the island is not a safe place. Sure they managed to find stores of food, but there are giant insects and other deadly things that populate the place making things quite difficult for them.

I’m not really sure how to make a call on this one. The animation is solid here, but unremarkable as a whole. It gets the job done. Aside from that the plot takes a while to get going, we get character details splattered out in the first episode before the plot gets going. There are flashbacks throughout, and it’s intriguing enough, so I’ll wait and see how it concludes, but for the most part I’m just simply not sure of it as a whole.

Sentai does give the series a solid Blu-ray release. It is presented 1:78:1 1080p and without the compression and bit rate from streaming will obviously look great when compared to the version you might have seen on Netflix. Audio is presented with Japanese and English 2.0 tracks and sound clear and crisp, and extras include clean opening and clean closing plus trailers.