Seven Women for Satan stars Michel Lemoine (also the director) as Boris Zoroff, a business man by day and sadist on nights and weekends. He lives in a castle that has descended through his family most notably the infamous Count Zoroff, who would capture and torture women in the castle. Coincidentally, Michel has also picked up on this hobby with the assistance of his butler Karl (Franco regular Howard Vernon). Eventually, he begins to hallucinate a long dead love, and things begin to get a bit strange for him.

Seven Women for Satan is a wild film. This is the exact type of film that keeps my love for Eurocult cinema going strong after nearly 30 years. There is a scene quiet early on where the count is attempting to have a sexual relationship with a young woman that stayed the night at the castle, that goes so shocking off rails in the most bizarre ways, it is impossible not to immediately get glued to the screen for the rest of the running time.

The film itself has a quite deliberate pacing, some might have issues with that, but it helps to create a strange and esoteric atmosphere, especially when punctuated with the moments of violence and overall strangeness that make up the strongest parts of the film.

Mondo Macabro present the film in a splendid 1:66:1 1080p AVC encoded transfer, that looks film like, natural, and without much (really) any issues. Audio is handled in French and English 2.0 HD tracks that sound clear, crisp, and handle the job well without issue. Extras include an interview with Michel Lemoine, we also get a wonderful 58 minute interview with Robert de Laroche who was an actor assistant director on the film. This is such an in depth piece, going over his career, and work with Lemoine and so much more. We also get 30 minutes of deleted and unused scenes from the film. Finally, we get a French trailer. This is a brilliant experience top to bottom, and comes highly recommended.