Chidori RSC is an adaptation of the manga series “Rifle is Beautiful” by the writer and illustrator Salmiakki. When this found it’s way to my doorstep, the first thing I noticed was the obvious, cute girls with guns. The second thing I noticed was the resemblance of two of the cute girls, to 2 of my favorite anime characters of all time (Rei and Asuka from NGE). Needless to say I was intrigued, and soon after began watching the 12 episode experience.

The series is a sports club anime which focuses on the 4 girls who make up the Light Beam Shooting Club at Chidori High. The main focus is on Hikari Kokura, who actually registered at this particular school in order to be a part of this club only to find out that they had been disbanded due to lack of membership. Having been a lifelong rifle enthusiast her first task is to gather membership so that the club can continue. Within the first episode she finds 3 additional members her best friend Izumi, the quiet Yukio, and the competitive Erika.

The series starts off kind of slow with the girls getting the club up and running and practicing their shooting. These elements are not the most exciting, but the chemistry between the girls, and the humor of the show tends to help make this more watchable. I wouldn’t think shooting competitions would be very entertaining, but like the card show Chihayafuru, this one manages to pull off excitement where one would imagine there would be none. The animation is quite solid with cuteness being the agenda above all else.

Sentai Filmworks presents Chidori RSC in a 1080p AVC encoded transfer that looks quite solid without issue. Colors pop, detail is fine. Audio is 2 DTS-MA 2.0 audio tracks in English and Japanese and both sound quite fine, again without issue. Extras include a clean opening and closing, and a 7.5 episode. RECOMMENDED.