Admittedly the most I had previously seen from the Curious Dr. Humpp was from the Something Weird Video intro reel that was included on every DVD release from the company. It was enough to entice me to WANT to see it, but I never did get around to this wild slice of Argentinian softcore until the current AGFA Blu-ray release.

The Curious Dr. Humpp follows the misadventures of the titular Dr. Humpp played by Alda Barbeo. He is working on a potion so that he can retain his youth. This potion can only be created during sex, most specifically during orgasm, so he needs people to have sex. When people aren’t, he resorts to kidnapping using a monster of his own creation, that can play guitar and has a blinking light in his head to do the kidnapping.

All this is precursor to extended scenes of softcore sex, of the 1960’s exploitation variety, mixed in with mad scientist and monsters. In other words with is over the top weirdness, and if you have the head for this sort of thing (I certainly do). This is cinematic gold.

AGFA presents The Curious Dr. Humpp in a splendid 1:33:1 1080p transfer. Contrast is decent, detail is solid, not much in the way if issues. Audio is handled with a DTS-HD Mono Track in English, which sounds fine without much in the way of issues. Extras include the original non-American cut of the film, a commentary track by Frank Henenlotter, and some trailers and shorts. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.