Category: Blu-ray

Elegant Beast – Blu-ray Review (Radiance Films)

Tomoko (Yûko Hamada) and her brother Minoru (Manamitsu Kawabata) are bad kids! They lie constantly and they cheat everyone they meet. But that’s okay for their parents, because they taught them how! Mom and dad, ex-soldier Tokizo Maeda (Yûnosuke Itô) and his wife Yoshino (Hisano Yamaoka), are a pair of slimeballs that have moved into…

The Sinister Dr. Orloff – Blu-ray Review (Mondo Macabro)

Sometimes, fathers and sons don’t get along. Alfred Orloff (Antonio Mayans) is trying to do what his father, Dr. Orloff (Howard Vernon) AKA Big Poppa, never could and that is to resurrect his comatose mother/lover named Melisa. Alfie employs his monstrous manservant Andros to help him snatch party girls and sex workers off the streets,…

The Facts of Murder – Blu-ray Review (Radiance Films)

Two crimes occur in an old apartment building in Rome just a few days apart. The first, a suspicious robbery of a bachelor and the second, the brutal stabbing of the woman living just next door. Inspector Ingravallo (Pietro Germi) is called in to solve both cases and his tough, no-nonsense approach immediately begins to…

The Blue Jean Monster – Blu-ray Review (88 Films)

A super cop named Joe (Fui-On Shing) has got problems. Aside from the fact that he died in the line of duty and was resurrected by a glowing cat and a downed powerline, his very pregnant wife Chu (Siu-Fung Wong) has had it with his tireless dedication to his work while she is left neglected…

UHD Review – Zombie Holocaust (Dr. Butcher MD) – Severin Films

As a quick refresher to readers here the Italian cannibal film cycle started as a response to the “Mondo” film trend in the mid-70’s by a pair of films, Man from Deep River by Umberto Lenzi, and Last Cannibal World by Ruggero Deodato. It would be these 2 directors, and 2 of their subsequent films…

Shadow of Death – Blu-ray Review (Mondo Macabro)

Denise (Teresa Gimpera) is in a bad marriage! Well, her boring husband Peter and/or John (Larry Ward) is actually very boring, but for real, she’s kind of a dickweed. She’s having an affair with Peter and/or John’s brother named Peter and/or John (Larry Ward’s twin brother Larry Ward). They have concocted a preposterous scheme to…

The Wrong Door Blu-Ray [Visual Vengeance]

Ted Farrell’s night takes a turn for the worse when he peers into his rearview mirror and discovers the dead body of a girl he had met earlier. Ted’s love of mysteries and thrillers is palpable, particularly when he is immersed in his job of sound design on films. But getting pulled into his own…

Devil’s Partner / Creature from the Haunted Sea Blu-ray review

The Film Masters label continues the B-movie double-feature craze with a new Blu-ray release featuring another pair of obscure films in Devil’s Partner (the film title has no “the” next to Devil’s) and Creature from the Haunted Sea. Back in the day, Roger and Gene Corman’s company, Filmgroup, purchased Devil’s Partner be part of a…

Killer Condom – 4K Ultra HD/Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

If you haven’t seen Killer Condom before, you should skip my paragraph of plot description because my enjoyment of the film was greatly increased by going in as cold and limp as possible. Detective Luigi Mackeroni (Udo Samel) is known for two things on the filthy and naughty streets of New York City: his big…

Evil Judgement – Blu-ray Review (Vinegar Syndrome)

Waitress/dancer Janet (Pamela Collyer) is dating a world class cheesefart of a man named Dino (Jack Langedijk). One night, they get into an argument, and he throws her out of his apartment (before she has a chance to get dressed!), and she turns to her sex worker pal named April (Nanette Workman) for help. April…