Category: Blu-ray

Blu-ray Review – Ahiru no Sora

I’ll admit I am not really a sports-guy, but once in a while I like to dip my proverbial toe into sports cinema, or anime. At the very least it’s usually good for a story that watches a group of underdogs taking on the world, and usually succeeding against great odds. Ahiru no Sora is…

Blu-ray Advance Review – Hunting Ground – Mondo Macabro

Up until last month’s Mondo Macabro Blu-ray release of Blood Ceremony (aka the Legend of Blood Castle), the only Jorge Grau film I had seen was his iconic zombie film “The Living Dead at Manchester Morgue” (aka Let Sleeping Corpses Lie). This Month Mondo Macabro is back with another essential release further exposing the non-undead…

Blu-ray Review -Satan’s Blood – Vinegar Syndrome

Can I just start and end this review by saying this film had a skull full of sex butter, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED?I guess not. Alright, so Satan’s Blood follows married couple Anna and Andy. Anna is 4 months pregnant, and the pair are quite bored. They get into their car and drive around trying to find…

Blu-ray Review – Cthulhu Mansion – Vinegar Syndrome

Anyone who talks to me about my favorite horror films for even 10 minutes will find out my great admiration for J.P. Simon’s “Pieces”. I’ve seen this film theatrically, I’ve owned it on VHS, DVD, and Blu-ray and if a 4K disc comes out, I’ll be in line right away to buy it. At the…

Blu-ray Review – Ascendance of a Bookworm – Sentai Filmworks

Ascendance of a Bookworm is one of the more interesting isekai anime series I’ve seen in recent times. It seems since Overlord (my beginning reference point for the genre). There have been an abundance of isekai springing up, and not a lot of them have much to really offer outside of superficial differences. That is…

Blu-ray Review- Chidori RSC – Sentai Filmworks

Chidori RSC is an adaptation of the manga series “Rifle is Beautiful” by the writer and illustrator Salmiakki. When this found it’s way to my doorstep, the first thing I noticed was the obvious, cute girls with guns. The second thing I noticed was the resemblance of two of the cute girls, to 2 of…

Blu-ray Review – The Curious Dr. Humpp (AGFA)

Admittedly the most I had previously seen from the Curious Dr. Humpp was from the Something Weird Video intro reel that was included on every DVD release from the company. It was enough to entice me to WANT to see it, but I never did get around to this wild slice of Argentinian softcore until…

Blu-ray Review – Dark Tower – Vinegar Syndrome

I don’t think anyone looking at the cover of the Dark Tower will confuse this with the recent adaptation of the Stephen King book series. However, as a preface I’ll just say this has nothing to do with that. This Dark Tower film follows the goings on in an unfinished office building in Barcelona. The…

Blu-ray Review – Killing Bites (Sentai Filmworks)

Killing Bites follows the exploits of Yuya and Hitomi. As the series opens Yuya is an accomplice to the Hitomi’s kidnapping and attempted gang-rape (this is hard to watch). He tries to put a stop to it, but as it turns out, Hitomi was straight up able to do that by brutally killing her kidnappers….

The Wind Rises Blu-ray review (Shout Factory)

The Wind Blows is a two-hour animated historical drama feature from 2013 that takes a look at the life of Jiro Horikoshi, who was a successful designer Japanese fighter planes during World War II. This was to be the last film of director Hayao Miyazaki as he had retired but wound up coming out of…