Category: Blu-ray

Blu-ray Review – The Last Starfighter (Arrow Video)

I feel like I should have been introduced to the Last Starfighter sooner than I was. As a kid in the 80’s I was on a steady diet of the Goonies, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones, adventures movies that would have any young boy excited for more. The Last Starfighter I didn’t get around to…

Blu-ray Review – Parasite (Criterion)

I first discovered Bong Joon Ho like many through his wonderful film The Host. I had started hearing about it right before it came out, but was unable to see it until somehow I managed to find a DVD copy in a video store closing sale in Palmetto, FL. (I also found a copy of…

Blu-ray Review – My Hero Academia – Season 2 – Funimation

Out of all the big name anime shows that are currently making waves right now (Attack on Titan, Black Clover, etc) I am possibly enjoying My Hero Academia the most. Aside from the fact that after Dragon Ball Super concluded this is the one show my son and I seem to watch together on a…

Blu-ray Review – Locke the Superman – Sentai Filmworks

I’m sure I’ve mentioned that my love of anime started in the 80’s with shows like Dragon Warrior and Robotech. So when I get a new 80’s anime in the mail, I pretty much throw it in right away. The feel of 80’s anime (or Japanimation as we wrongly called it FOR YEARS), still gives…

Blu-ray Review – Undefeated Bahamut Chronicles – Complete Series – Sentai Filmworks

OK, so I’ll start this off with some weirdness. I feel like I reviewed Undefeated Bahaumut Chronicle sometime in 2017. Now the original version of the site was torn down back in May, so I could make something easier to update, and mobile friendly, but I still have the records, but nope, not there. Anyway,…

Blu-ray Review – Patrick Still Lives (Severin Films)

About 10 years ago I received a book called “Italian Horror” by Jim Harper, at the time there was not a lot of books on this regional division of horror, and so I was happy to have anything related to spaghetti splatter on my bookshelf.Until I got this. Harper’s book covered the years 1978 to…

Blu-ray Review – Rest in Pieces (Vinegar Syndrome)

I have been writing for about 2-3 years now about the resurgence of Jose Larraz on home video. I thought it was great when we got Symptoms on Blu-ray at long last, but then we got a bunch of films from Arrow, and now Rest in Pieces from Vinegar Syndrome. It’s crazy to think that…

Blu-ray Review – Mallrats – Arrow Video

Mallrats is interesting. I hate to say this is one of those films that drove me to becoming the film nerd I am. The first director’s I fell for were John Carpenter and George Romero, but then years later a friend’s Mom recommended to my Mother of all people to see Clerks, so she did.She…

Blu-ray Review – Cemetery of Terror – Vinegar Syndrome

If you look up into the EuroCultAV banner, you’ll see Hugo Stiglitz. That’s not just any Hugo Stiglitz, that is Hugo Stiglitz from this film Cemetery of Terror, so needless to say when this month’s Vinegar Syndrome pile came in the mail, this film went straight to the top. The films of Rubén Galindo Jr.,…

Suckers Blu-ray review

Suckers is a 1999 comedy crime-drama film directed by a stand-up comic and car salesman, Roger Nygard. This is the story of a group of car dealers who learn, to coin a phrase, “the art of the deal” on how to make ‘suckers’ out of customers buying cars. The story is a behind the scenes…