Chidori RSC is an adaptation of the manga series “Rifle is Beautiful” by the writer and illustrator Salmiakki. When this found it’s way to my doorstep, the first thing I noticed was the obvious, cute girls with guns. The second thing I noticed was the resemblance of two of the cute girls, to 2 of…
Blu-ray Review – Killing Bites (Sentai Filmworks)
Killing Bites follows the exploits of Yuya and Hitomi. As the series opens Yuya is an accomplice to the Hitomi’s kidnapping and attempted gang-rape (this is hard to watch). He tries to put a stop to it, but as it turns out, Hitomi was straight up able to do that by brutally killing her kidnappers….
Blu-ray Review – Assassin’s Pride – Sentai Filmworks
Assassin’s Pride is sort of interesting. The world it was set in had a vibe I almost immediately liked, and wanted to spend some time in, and getting to know. The story itself wasn’t entirely compelling, it had a spark at the start, and then picked up as it went along. Basically, the premise as…
Blu-ray Review – 7 Seeds Part 1 (Sentai Filmworks)
7 Seeds is being qualified in the U.S. As a Netflix Original in the U.S. Despite having been created in Japan and released overseas first. Oh well, it’s a label, and I’m not watching it on Netflix, but the new Blu-ray from the always reliable Sentai Filmworks. I never got around to watching Lost when…
Blu-ray Review – Punch Line (Sentai Filmworks)
Punch Line is a very very weird show. I thought at first it was going to be a cliché ecchi/pantie shot anime series, and for a long while it appeared to be. I won’t spoil things, but this is a show that does shift in tone for the better after its first half. The show…
Blu-ray Review – Shirobako (Sentai Filmworks)
Shirobako will seriously affect you if you have ever tried to work as a creative. Have you and your friends ever tried to make a career in films, start a band, make an album and hit the road only to realize that it was a long and arduous road? Shiroback WILL AEFFECT YOU. The series…
Blu-ray Review – My Hero Academia – Season 2 – Funimation
Out of all the big name anime shows that are currently making waves right now (Attack on Titan, Black Clover, etc) I am possibly enjoying My Hero Academia the most. Aside from the fact that after Dragon Ball Super concluded this is the one show my son and I seem to watch together on a…
Blu-ray Review – Locke the Superman – Sentai Filmworks
I’m sure I’ve mentioned that my love of anime started in the 80’s with shows like Dragon Warrior and Robotech. So when I get a new 80’s anime in the mail, I pretty much throw it in right away. The feel of 80’s anime (or Japanimation as we wrongly called it FOR YEARS), still gives…
Blu-ray Review – Undefeated Bahamut Chronicles – Complete Series – Sentai Filmworks
OK, so I’ll start this off with some weirdness. I feel like I reviewed Undefeated Bahaumut Chronicle sometime in 2017. Now the original version of the site was torn down back in May, so I could make something easier to update, and mobile friendly, but I still have the records, but nope, not there. Anyway,…
October Mega Marathons: An Introduction
Scott has so graciously granted me a platform to blast out this delirium-inducing experiment that I’ve have set off on. Throughout the month of October, I’ve soft-committed to watching 200+ horror movies. Not only that, I’ve been sectioning them off into themed double features and mini-marathons for additional fun. Up until now, I’ve been posting…
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